Bidrage med feedbackT'slietje is the name of this hidden gem of a tavern in the countryside that is worth finding! This cozy and family-friendly atmosphere can be enjoyed in a beautifully restored farmhouse where you can savor a selection of beers and delicious brewery dishes. Reservations are recommended as this place gets busy. Unfortunately, they are only open from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, which is too short of a time to enjoy their offerings.
The warm welcome and exceptional cuisine at this restaurant are top-notch. The owners are friendly and accommodating. I highly recommend checking this place out.
(Translated by Google) On top, good service, good food. Too bad the end is in sight. (Original view) Top, goede bediening lekker eten. Jammer dat het einde in zicht is.
(Traduit par Google) Toujours de la bonne nourriture, cadre trèable dances I'écurie rénovée et service tréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré Hautement recommandé! (Avis d'origine) Always good food, very nice frame in the remodeled stable and very kind service! A real terrorist!
(Traduit par Google) Bel endroit pour venir manger un bon morceau dende. J'adore lesson côtes du chief. Si savoureux et la viande tombe de I'os. (Avis d'origine) Nice place to come and eat a nice piece of meat. I'm all the way from the chief's ribs. So good and the flesh falls off the leg.