Bidrage med feedbackEnglish ゆりかもめの新豊洲駅にある『チームラボプラネッツ』敷地内に今日 10/8 オープンした『Vegan Ramen UZU』へ行ってみました。 屋外で食べるか、有料 チームラボのチケット有無に関わらず のギャラリーで食べるかを選べます。せっかくなので今回はギャラリーで食べる事にしました。 注文したのは、Vegan味噌ラーメンセット ¥2200 とVeganラーメン茶セット ¥2530 にしました。会計のブースは狭く、心なしか息苦しさを感じました。今日オープンという事で、スタッフの緊張も感じられました。 合算不可という事だったので、ひとりずつ2回に分けて会計を済ませ、呼び出しベルを受け取ってギャラリーへ行ってみると、大きなテーブルがひとつあるだけの完全相席で、残念ながらこちらも居心地は良くありませんでした。 私達が座った場所の正面に女性客2人組、左隣にはスーツ姿の男性客2人組がいて、とてもギャラリー内の撮影をできる雰囲気ではなく、壁面、床面共に鏡張りも手伝ってプライバシーも無いので、リラックスできる空間ではありませんでした。 ともあれ10分ほど待ってラーメンが出来上がり、スタッフが運んできてくれました。器を覗くと真ん中に大きな輪切りの分厚い玉ねぎがドン!と陣取っていて、度肝を抜かれました。玉ねぎが苦手なので、事前に別のものに変えられると嬉しかったです。 一方麺は平太麺でコシがあり、とても美味しかったです。スープも濃厚で最後まで味わって飲み干しました。 残念に思ったのは、目立つトッピングが玉ねぎのみで、メンマや刻みニンニクや海苔など他に一切無く、少し寂しく感じました。 ギャラリーを利用しての食事は¥2200オーバーの高額になるので、コストパフォーマンスが良いとは言えません。 私達はこのギャラリーは、一度体験すれば充分だと思います。真夏や真冬や雨天時を除けば、屋外で食べた方が解放的で気持ちがいいと思います。 いずれにせよ今回完全ヴィーガンでオープンしたとても美味しいラーメン屋さんです!価値ある一杯を是非お試し下さい We went to Tokyo for the first time in months today, to visit the city’s newest vegan restaurant. It’s called Vegan Ramen Uzu, and it just opened today at the TeamLab Planets digital art museum nearest station: Shin-Toyosu . You do NOT have to purchase a ticket to the Planets art museum to eat at the restaurant, although we highly recommend going there at least once. It’s a unique experience not to be missed! On to the food. You have the option of eating outdoors, or inside the “digital installation” basically, a dark room with pretty images projected on the walls and ceilings and ~ambient~ music playing . This will cost you, though— the cheapest bowl of ramen drink and entrance to the room included costs 2200 yen. We forked over the cash and were led into the room. It. is. tiny!!!! And it has just one communal table that can seat 12. I guess there are people out there that like being seated opposite total strangers, but I’m not one of them. We waited, awkwardly, in the small, dark, loud room for our food to arrive. When it did, I was happy with it. My spicy miso ramen had just the right amount of spice, and I loved the noodles. Taking center stage was a giant onion, which I was happy with, but onion-hater Ryuji was not. They also sell vegan ice cream, but 650 yen for a scoop was a bridge too far after paying all that money just for lunch. I appreciated the fact that the kitchen is clearly visible from the counter where you place your order. Visit the Planets museum, and if you’re hungry afterwards, grab a bowl of ramen. It’s delicious. But maybe eat it outside. Updated from previous review on 2021-10-08
It is always good when there is a vegan option in japan. in the national art centre tokyo is the special dish for the exhibition hideaki anno is a humble vegan taco rice plate. teamlab planets, however, continues to take a leap and offers a whole vegan ramen restaurant. vegan ramon uzu tokyo is a filiale of the award-winning main restaurant in kyoto that I never had before). this facility offers four rams; miso, shio, flower cold, and green tea rays. the latter are sold only in tokio. they can enjoy the ritter outside, stand or sit in a small gallery for a price, as the previous review mentioned. because it was a pretty windy day, and I was just paid, I decided to splurge and bought the green tea-ray set ticket. so I can sit inside and enjoy the rams experience ¥2,530 drinks included). the taste and presentation of the ramen themselves were excellent; it was almost like a work of art; hull green broth with threads of chilis and a piece of white tweezers in the middle. the broth had a little heat that killed my tonge. I taste a little green tea and 'the sea' in the broth maybe used it alga to reach the dark green color of the broth). the nudel was on the thicker and flatter side. in combination with the broth they do not feel very hard to eat, but still quite full. as the previous review mentioned, it was unpleasant to eat in the gallery. I felt very claustrophobic while I was inside; it was dark, the surrounding music harrowing, and the back was a bit headache induce. instead of improving my senses to enjoy the rams while I wanted to eat in the gallery to get some fresh air. I feel a bit cheated that I pay this amount of money, I thought I would appreciate both the art and the nudel. but unfortunately I am a complete philister when it comes to modern art.
Wow, what an experience. I got the cold flower rays, and it was amazing (it contains tongue-narrowing flowers that are always fun). also got the green tea ice cream, it was delicious, I wish it was more than a scoop. one of the coolest parts is the restaurant itself – the walls, table, floor and chairs are all mirrored and the deck has light projections on them with soothing music playing in the background.
A warm bowl of rammen after exhibition
(Negglui Forlows ゼパンゼ) 私は東京のUZUを訪問してとても素敵な経験をしたいと思った. 京都で楽しんだおいしい寿司やクラフトジンを、残念ながら東京のスシやジンズはなかった。 ラーメンだけでなく、とても美味しく、チームラボのショーにまだないと思える価値があります(日本語のみ) ズーのギャラリーは素晴らしいと思います。 久々にブレンルームを構え、ワンダーフス・ペリエンスとイトーワス・ワン・キートを過ごしました。 私はクヨトでブレンヌルームズをしました, そして、イタワダフス A Wanderphs A Wanderphs A Wanderphs A Wanderphs A Wanderphs A Wanderphs, そう I Wanderlust A Wanderlust A Wanderlust A Wanderlust, I Wanderlust, Ito, Itowat, Itowrestling, Ito, Ito, Itowrestling, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito, Ito