Bidrage med feedbackMy husband and I spontaneously gave us a cozy evening to two in the economy of Asten last week. A beautiful rustic guest house with great food. The tartar was super seasoned and very good quality. The main course also convinced good portions, very tasty sauces and very good meat. The service was fast and very friendly... we will definitely come back:
If you find information about the restaurant Dorfwirtschaft Asten on the Internet, you will find an average rating of 4.8 stars from max. 5 on rating portals. This review is based on 247 reviews. Among other things, the guest reviews of Google and Tripadvisor were used. From 1503 prestigious restaurants in the region, This is one of the best 10. 235 reviews of guests on Google an average total value of 4.6 stars from max. 5. A look at Tripadvisor's guest reviews shows an average value of 5 points, but only 12 reviews. In the category kitchen is the operation on Tripadvisor 5. A 4.5 rating indicates the quality on Tripadvisor. At Tripadvisor, the service receives a rating of 5 points. The data collection took place in January 2021.
A beautiful guest house with great beer garden and fantastic views. Very nice, accommodating staff. A great varied map. For everyone. The playground was great for the kids. Thank you. We'll be coming more often.
If you find information about the restaurant Dorfwirtschaft Asten on the Internet, you will find an average rating of 4.8 stars from max. 5 on rating portals. The present evaluation is based on 247 reviews. Among other things, the guest reviews of Google and Tripadvisor were used. From 1503 viewed restaurants in the region, this is one of the best 10 . 235 reviews of guests on Google reveal an average total value of 4.6 stars of max. 5. A look at the guest reviews at Tripadvisor shows an average value of 5 points, but only 12 reviews. In the kitchen category, the operation is on Tripadvisor 5. A 4.5 rating indicates the quality on Tripadvisor. At Tripadvisor, the service receives a rating of 5 points. The data collection took place in January 2021.
Wow. A great Bavarian beer garden as expected. Staff very friendly, eating very tasty. I recommend. In the evening the high chestnut trees are romantically illuminated.