Bidrage med feedbackWe were here for the first time today. eating is good, the equipment very nice and clean. the beer is excellent.
I was the first time yesterday in the prager beerstuben in warnemünde and it will certainly not have been the last time. directly in warnemünde at the old stream there are really great Czechs eating here. I have knocked the meat plate with a variety of choices and tried meat and was very impressed by the great quality of eating. the service was nice and some places in the restaurant were still free.
The restaurant is very large, correspondingly hectic and loud it goes too. hardly sit, the card lies in front of one and the order should be recorded. then the food is already before a half-hearted demand, if everything is in order. Once you have eaten, the waiter is already ready with the bill. eating is nothing special, the portions are quite small.
The prager bierstuben in warnemünde are always worth a visit. nowhere else in rostock, so much Czech food and drink is offered. for all lovers of clapping and gulasch, a visit is an absolute must. and suitable for defigen gulasch, there is a freshly tapped original Czech beer. ambiente is coherent, price performance is top. huge portions that you can also pay. absolute recommendation!
If you find information about the restaurant Wenzel Prager Bierstuben on the Internet, you will find an average rating of 4,03 stars from a maximum of five on different portals. Evaluations were taken into account in 1944. Google, Tripadvisor and OpenTable content were used to summarize the reviews. 156 visitor reviews on Tripadvisor show a metavalue of 3.5 points. The kitchen is rated 4 points from 5. The quality is evaluated with a rating of 3.5 rating points. At Tripadvisor, the service in the place reaches a rating of 4 points. 1788 Google reviews lead to an average total value of 4.3 stars from max. 5. With the reviews on OpenTable, another online portal flows into this evaluation. OpenTable publishes a value of 4.3. The viewing period was early 2021.