Bidrage med feedbackGreat restaurant that offers pizza! For a group of 5, we had a large and medium pizza with salad and it was the perfect amount of food. I recommend trying out different types of pizza! This place is popular so I suggest arriving early, especially for larger groups!
(Translated from Icelandic to English) Great pizza place. I would highly recommend it. Check out their website as they have special offers on that vary. I had my favourite... pepperoni and pineapple. I got it for takeaway no extra charge for the box). Highly recommend
This is my second time at this pizzeria. Locals claim it is the best pizza in town. I tried it and returned. The pizza is definitely great. My favorite is the anchovy pizza which I love, although not everyone's favorite. The dough is thin and it is baked in a wood oven. If you are ever in town and have the time and enjoy pizza, give it a try. I hope you won't be disappointed.
Great atmosphere, fast service and good pizza. There are many different Li on the list. Pizza can be ordered in three different sizes, M or L. Pizza in a good location. Happy Hour, the big beer was cheaper.
Þýtt af Google Ljúffengur pizzasérstaða, með frábært verð og afköst. vidéim fjölmörguice pizzus Með þessari leið var okkur síðan mælt með í uppáhaldi, “Eld Smidjan” pítsurhúsiðsett í hornhúsi, í verslunargötunni “Laugavegi”. Legt á móti inngangssvæðinu á pítsalóðinni er bar með pizzar grillgrjóni á bak við það, þar sem þú gætir horft á pizzukökuna í vinnnunni í opnu eldhúsinu. Hefur mjög sérstaka stemningu og hæfileika. Nafnið ‘Eld Smidjan’ þýðir líka ‘eldsmíði’. Veitingastaðurinn var mjög upptekinn á miðvikudagskvöld. Sem he alltaf merki fyrir okkur að maturinn hlýtur líka að vera góður. Þar sem orðatiltækið segir að svo margir gestir geta ekki haft rangt fyrir sér hvar þeim líkar og hvar annars er það gott fyrir peningana. Þrátt fyrir marga gesti var maturinn borinn fram sæmilega fljótt. Við fengum stóra pizzu saman sem heitir “Amore” fyrir 3.795 krónur u.þ.b. 32, € pantað og ekki sjá eftir því. Hvað varðar magn þá var það miðað við verð afköstahlutfallið, fullkomlega fullnægjandi einnig fyrir tvo og ofboðslega ljúffengt. A og við komumst að eru tveir aðrir staðir þessarar pizzakeðju í miðbæ Reykjavíkur sem kallast “Eld Smidjan”. Það sem talar líka fyrir gæði pizzanna er að ‘Eld Smidjan’ lítur til baka á langa hefð og hefur verið til síðan 1986. Og það he says að “Að viðhalda hefð þýðir ekki að geyma ösku, herour að halda glónum glóandi” og þetta virðist vera tilfellið hér á Ristorante “Eld Smidjan”. Í stuttu máli gætum við says að við söknuðum þess ekki að fara á Pizzeria “Eld Smidjan” og getum því mælt með því 100%. Sérstaklega vegna mjög góðs verðs afkastahlutfalls. Uppruncture Delicious Pizza specialties, with a super price performance ratio. We were on a tour in Reykjavik and wanted to satisfy our hunger with a delicious pizza. Since we did not want to take any risk in terms of quality here in Reykjavik, at the still abundant pizza restaurants we had seen. About this route, we were recommended as a favourite, the Pizzaria “Eld Smidjan” located in a corner house, in the shopping street “Laugavegur”. Directly opposite the entrance area of the pizzeria there is a tresen, with a wood charcoal pizza grill behind it, where you could watch in the open kitchen, the pizza chef at his work. Has a very special ambience and flair. The name “Eld Smidjan” also means “Fire Construction”. The restaurant was on a Wednesday evening, already very well visited. Which is always a sign for us that food must also be good. As it is known that so many guests cannot be mistaken, where they taste and where there is also a good price performance ratio. Nevertheless, our food was served quite quickly. We had together, a large large pizza, with name “Amore” for 3 795 ISK ca, 32. € ordered and not regretted. It was quantitative for the price performance ratio, perfectly sufficient also for two people and super delicious. As we had learned, there are two more locations in the centre of Reykjavik with the name “Eld Smidjan”. What is still talking about the quality of pizzas is the “Eld Smidjan”, a long tradition and has existed since 1986. And it is said that “Tradition care means not to keep ashes, but to keep gluten on glowing” and this seems to be the case here in the Ristorante “Eld Smidjan”. In summary, we found that we did not regret to visit the pizzeria “Eld Smidjan” and can recommend it to 100%. Especially due to the very good price performance ratio.