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Godt vurderede restauranter i nærheden 滿洲鄉
By: 滿洲鄉, 坑內路39號, 屏東 I-946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
"Very nice cafe!! Beautiful and relaxing, and the coffee is great as well! 漂亮又舒適的地方,推薦檸檬咖啡!"
By: 滿洲鄉, 恆南路2巷1-1號, 屏東 I-946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
"店內的服務人員很親切 老闆人也很nice 我最愛它們的培根玉子厚奶義大利麵 無敵好吃啊 剩的醬汁讓人不得不點一份飯團來沾著吃光光 價錢親民公道!是會讓人再度光..."
By: 滿洲鄉, 南灣路223號, 屏東 I-946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
Så snart vi har Niú Zǐ Shā Tān Jiǔ Ba Cān Tīng's oversigt over retter og drikkevarer fra 滿洲鄉, vil vi offentliggøre det her. I mellemtiden kan du ge...
By: 滿洲鄉, 恆春鎮大光路118-5號, 屏東 I-946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
By: 滿洲鄉, 恆春鎮恆春老街, 台灣 I-, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
By: 滿洲鄉, 155 文化路, 恆春鎮 946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
"很喜歡這間咖啡廳的氛圍及很有設計感,咖啡飲料都不錯喝噢~餐點也好吃,而且最喜歡他們的濃湯了很濃~超好喝der!! 這間不錯~如果有時間可以來這點杯咖啡看個..."
By: 滿洲鄉, 恆春鎮中山路35號, 屏東 I-946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
By: 滿洲鄉, 恆春鎮鵝鑾鼻坑內路13號, 屏東 I-946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
"The food is excellent. Fast. Good location."
By: 滿洲鄉, 2 省北路63巷, 恆春鎮 946, Taiwan, 滿洲鄉, Taiwan, Province of China
"Great pizza and pasta. While family loves this restaurant."
By: 屏東 (tæt på 滿洲鄉), 車城鄉後灣村後灣路2號, 屏東 I-, Taiwan, Taiwan, Province of China