Bidrage med feedbackVery sad, online order placed for 1940, confirmed on 20u10, effectively done 20u20. Lowy burger without cheese, lowie burger was only with meat and sauce.
Bicky cheeseburger got without cheese, frightadel I didn't order. _ He's discovered he's coming home with the bike, and then you're not gonna find anything because you have to report a first experience or solve a first experience.
Super hot fries and meats. Menu is written on the wall.
True frying, fries good not fat, very clean establishment, very clean toilet and easy parking.
(Traduit par Google) Très large choix the snacks et the citizens, dont un nombly implicate the vegétariens ce estion exceptional porteria. Less roundelles d'oignon is privately promising savoureuses the counts around the elves d'oignon d'n't éjamais ée émangée térérérérétététététérénérérérétététététététététététérététérérérérérétététérérérété térététététététététérétététététététététété tététététététérérérérététés tétés tététététététés tés tétététés tés tés té (Avis d'origine) Very large selection of snacks and citizens, including a relatively large number of vegetarian which is exceptional for a West Flame Fry. In particular, the onion rings aren't even in any friction ate such proper onion rings! Also the so-called "mozarella/tomato fingers" are a fried highlight.