La Pizza Sympa 5 Rue Victor Hugo, 49460 Montreuil-J...
Kommer du i køretøj til La Pizza Sympa i Montreuil-Juigné, kan du finde P-pladser i en afstand af 467 meter på Langevin.
Så snart vi har La Pizza Sympa's oversigt over retter og drikkevarer fra Montreuil-Juigné, vil vi offentliggøre det her. I mellemtiden kan du gerne se på menukortene i området. Eller hjælp os ved at et foto af menukortet her gør tilgængelig.
Service and courtesy are on the rendezvous, but pizza has absolutely no taste, impressive I hav...
A pleasant welcome... I had come alone and a conversation took place on the few tables of the t...
The place is clean, the service is good, the pizza is delicious, the prices are good, there is...
I've never had such a bad pizza. A serious shame, a shame we can't put a picture, we have to ru...
I'm always satisfied with pizza and the owners are really very nice and always friendly I highl...